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This production is a labor of love. All dancers & parents are expected to treat the company & its representatives respectfully.

Important Show Info 
Performances 12/13 @7pm; 12/14 @ 2:00pm & 12/15 at 1:00pm.
Tech/Dress Rehearsal : NYC 12/11,  4-8:30pm

This production comes together only because of the talent and dedication of the Ballet Mistress and Director; Cynthia D'Angelo and Marissa Mooney. You will  see us together and/or separately at the  rehearsals. We have many, many years of professional experience as teachers, choreographers and dancers and we look forward to sharing our experience with your dancer. We stand together in our decisions and ask that you not approach each of us with the same question. We consult each other if needed and the answer given will stand. Please be mindful that Cynthia D'Angelo and Marissa Mooney also teach classes in the rehearsal space that MCD rents and that we make every effort to keep Nutcracker and studio "business" separate. Please do not approach us - even for a "quick question" while we are teaching or between classes. Also, because we put this production together in such a short amount of time- every moment of rehearsal day is needed for rehearsal. We will not be able to give your questions the attention they may need if you try to ask us between rehearsals and simply ask that you don't.  You will get a much more clear and complete answer if you utilize email or telephone for questions. Concerns should be voiced by phone or by appointment in person. Please direct all such calls to Marissa Mooney at 917-302-4029. You may call Marissa M-F between  10 am and 2pm and  your call will be  returned as soon as possible. Barring an emergency, we are unavailable on Sundays. You may email questions at anytime but please do not use this avenue for things that are better suited for  in person discussion.

Are an invaluable part of our show and have danced on many occasions for many different reasons ranging from illness to injury to bad weather, etc.  Before accepting an understudy opportunity, the dancer and parent should fully understand what that entails. Understudies are not guaranteed to perform. Understudies are expected to attend all rehearsals and to learn the part assigned. They should not expect private rehearsal time or even "equal" rehearsal time in the studio.  They should be dancing during the rehearsal on the sides or in the back of the room for spacing purposes. They should be ready to jump in if someone is absent at rehearsal, etc. They should choose a specific dancer/place in the dance to focus on learning if they are not assigned one. Once secure, they may absolutely learn another dancer/place in the dance. It is helpful to learn a dancer from each side.
*If your dancer has a primary part and has an opportunity to understudy an additional role, they should focus on their primary role first. If in such a position and rehearsals conflict, dancers are to attend the primary role rehearsal.*

We are on a tight schedule and expect to move forward each week. Please arrive on time and ready to dance. Dancers must be in appropriate ballet attire with their hair up and off of the face.  Moving forward for our purposes means that dancers must review material between rehearsals. Music can be made available to you and once the material is set, videos are posted to the website that is password secure. We recommend that dancers 9 and up keep a notebook in their dance bag to record notes given, changes made, etc.  Should your dancer require extra rehearsal time, and if we are able to accommodate your request, the parent (s) will be responsible to cover the cost for rehearsal time and space. All dancers should review available videos between rehearsals!!!

Absences & Return Protocol
Sufficient notice needs to be given for absences barring emergency/illness. 24 hours is not sufficient.   Dancers are responsible to make up missed material before the next rehearsal. MCD can neither "go back" in the material  nor are we available for private sessions to teach material missed. Dancers who are absent should expect to see that an understudy has learned the absentee's role in the dance in their absence. You may be asked to observe the missed material with the understudy in place the first time (or few) during the next rehearsal. The proper protocol would be for the absent dancer to be up on their feet learning or reviewing missed material on the sides or in the back of the room until they are ready to "go back in." 


There is a non- refundable production fee of $200.00 applicable per dancer. Please make checks out to: Cash or MCD or Venmo to Marissa-Mooney-MCD. A $25 costume fee per dancer will also be collected for all dancers.   You may submit both fees in one payment if you'd like.
Fees are due at the first rehearsal. Fees that remain outstanding as of 10/30 will be subject to a late fee of $10 per week. Dancers with outstanding fees or forms will not be permitted to participate in the production.


Excessive absences or lateness, poor attitude &/or behavior or lack of effort may result in replacement.

MCD Shirts  

You can purchase one at the show in the lobby or in the studio a week or two prior to the performance and throughout the run of the show. 


Available approximately 1 month prior to show opening.  You may visit the Riverside Theater website at or call the box office at the theatre. The box office hours are Thursday  & Friday 4-8 and Saturday & Sunday from 12-4. 212-870-6784

We are grateful to have ad space in the program available to provide family and friends of cast members, as well as businesses, the opportunity to place a message or business card in the program. Please note that this helps us to keep production costs down. If you know of any businesses that may want to reach our audience- primarily friends and family from Somers to City Island, NY as well as employees and members of the Riverside Church and its community, or businesses you frequent willing to show some support, please let us know and we will be happy to send them the necessary information.
ADs are due by 11/24 and are offered in 1/4, 1/2 and Full pages at $20, $30 & $65 respectively.


We could not do this production with out your help.
We need: people who can sew, backstage mom's, t -shirt sales, help loading out of the theatre on 12/18, help steaming costumes, concessions, gifts to our pointe shoe fund,  etc., Many, many thanks to those who assist us!
Let us know how you can help!

© 2023 by Brian Blunt. Proudly created with

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